Posts tagged survey
What My Students Really Thought About the Move to Online Learning

Feedback is how you know an adventure is complete. Even if it is in stages. I love feedback, specifically, I love critical feedback. I often will immediately scour through my surveys at the end of the year and look for areas that need improvement. I always feel warm and fuzzy from a child’s comment about me being nice, awesome, or their favorite teacher. That is the ultimate compliment. Because that means that I can single-handedly change a student’s day. These comments are on my surveys each year. However, I often find myself looking through the feedback for the points that sting a little or the ways to make my classroom better.

I look for… “It was boring.”

I look for… “I didn’t like when we did…”

I seek out the… “class went so slow when….”

When we stop improving, we stop growing and adapting. Engagement is the ultimate tool for feedback. Because in engagement, resides respect, safety, and compassion. Now, the end of the 2019-2020 school year felt a little different. There were so many variables out of our control as teachers. Just to name a few: Online learning, technology, fear and trauma associated with being quarantined, illness, racial and social disparities, homelessness, students with disabilities and ELLs facing learning from home, and more. Finally, with the protesting in response to the murder of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and more, and the inability to talk about these issues face-to-face, my survey felt superficial. I knew what didn’t go right. But, I knew that the key was to still ask my students what they thought because their opinions matter. I finally got the courage up to look at their responses from the end of the year. This post is a report of my findings of perceptions as to me as a teacher, evaluations of face-to-face learning and online learning, and their overall journeys with their own reading this year. It is important to note that you will see 68 responses to my survey. I had 140 students this year, but the variables of online learning that made connecting with all students difficult, also presented a barrier to administering an end-of-year survey where all voices were heard. This is feedback in and of itself.

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