Posts tagged work from home
Work-from-Home Mama and Toddler Learning Routines

When I spent over a decade in the classroom, it never occurred to me that I would use those lesson-planning skills as a new mama. However, as our little one gets bigger and bigger, I can see my role as a teacher start to creep into the picture a bit more as we are moving to have more structured mornings in terms of activities and having some goals. Our little one is two, so we aren’t in a rush to get into a full-blown lesson schedule, but she really loves a schedule. I think her mama does, too.

The main goal of our time together is always to play, be outside as much as possible, and have fun.

But, with her being home with me, my teacher brain also needs the outlet of doing lesson planning and looking at different activities for our little one. Part of what fuels teachers is the creative input and output of ideas surrounding learning. I wanted to focus on the morning time after breakfast when we got back from being outside and before lunch. If she were enrolled in a 2’s program, she would be attending a class 2-3 times a week that would work with her on a “get-ready-for-preschool” curriculum. This isn’t that.

This is more so open-ended learning with goals and themed activities to have some fun each week. This morning routine strikes the perfect balance between work commitments on my end and those precious moments with my little explorer. From storytimes that spark imagination to the sensory bins and water tables that ignite their curiosity, we'll journey through different creative crafts, drawing, baking, and grooving to music and movement throughout the week. I have figured out by now that each mama is different and each kid is different, but I am hoping to share our learning routines and journey along the way as we figure out how to work, play, and grow together!

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