Posts tagged banana bread
Butler Banana Bread

I am not a person who declares that I am a fabulous chef of any kind. For the first 10 years of my relationship, it was my husband who did the majority of the cooking. I have had to work at cooking like I have had to work at learning how to be a teacher. In the past four or five years, I have really tried to do learn recipes I have found on Pinterest, and keep track of the dishes that I feel I am starting to get better at with practice. Sometimes the things that matter take some time to learn. I do remember one recipe that I would make as a 15-year-old teenager. I would first watch my mom bake this bread, and then I would write down the recipe for my own use. I have kept the same recipe card throughout all of these years. Now, whenever I am feeling a little nostalgic, I will make some banana bread…the Butler way. Feel free to pin the image below that has the ingredients and recipe directions side-by-side. Then, brew a cup of coffee or tea and make banana bread today’s snack for the family.

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