Posts tagged dingbats
Battle of the B5 Notebooks: Archer and Olive vs. Dingbats - Which Reigns Supreme?

If you are journaling and not playing around with notebook sizes, I highly recommend trying different sizes out to see what fits your style! I recently have been working the most in B5 sizes (Roughly 7.48 × 9.84 inches). It is the largest notebook I have ever worked in because the typical notebook I grab for is an A5 (5.70 × 8.26 in), B6 (4.9 × 6.9 in), or traveler’s notebook size (4.33 x 8.25 inches). All three of these notebooks are smaller and can easily fit into a bag with the rest of your materials. I always thought B5 was too big, but what I am finding out is that I stick around longer in a B5 notebook and it fits just fine in a bag or tote. This post explores two of my favorites: The B5 Archer and Olive Notebook and the B5 Dingbats Notebook. I will give you insights into their similarities and differences including paper quality, size, feel, and durability. You can’t go wrong with either notebook-it all depends on personal preference!

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