Posts tagged journal supplies
A Go-To Shopping List for Journaling Accessories

You don’t have to be a journal or notebook lover to be obsessed with office supplies! There is nothing like a new planner, sticky note, or pen to make you feel organized and on top of everything. Sometimes it feels like a journey to find the perfect notebook or planner. You may weigh in your mind things like size, paper style, paperweight, pen loop or no pen loop, hardcover, softcover, and more…the easier part of loving office supplies is browsing through journal accessories that will speak to your inner office supply lover and planner lover. 

Because who doesn’t feel more on top of things when they have journaling supplies in stock?

This post is a mini-shopping guide roundup of all of my favorite office supplies to buy…after the perfect notebook is already in your hands. If you are still looking for the perfect notebook or the perfect journaling system at this point, start with this post: “Choose a Journaling System That Works For You” to get you started. These are items that make journaling or using a notebook just fun and allows you to be really creative. You will also see pictures of my journal or planner because I use items like these all the time.

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Holiday Gift Guide for the Person Who Loves Notebooks and Office Supplies

While I am a classroom teacher and love all things office supplies, I also have many people in my life who love all things paper, office supply and feeling organized. You have to admit: There is nothing like a new planner or journal to make you feel on top of it and ready to take on the world. This post gathers some ideas about the person in your life who appreciates the same feelings you may have toward sticky notes, new pens, and stickers that can make your day better. Remember, this is a gift guide for other people, but you may find yourself clicking “add to cart” for yourself as well. My favorite thing about gifting office supplies is that the “treat yo’ self” factor does not have to be a big one. Sometimes a small pack of pencils can make my day better. Have fun spreading some holiday cheer with all things paper, writing, journaling, and organization!

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Creating the Best Planning System for Back-to-School with My Passion Planner and Bullet Journal

August always feels far away, and then all of the sudden it is here. It has to be one the fastest moving months throughout the year. Back-to-school advertisements and sales are everywhere. All of the teachers I know (including myself) are struggling with how the fall will look for students, teachers, and families as we return to teaching during a pandemic. How quickly will burnout set in? Will everything be okay? The new dynamic of being a mom will also be on my plate as I enter the upcoming school year. Managing family schedules, daycare, and finding time to fit in what really matters is going to be an added challenge. I have loved bullet journaling for the past 4 years, but I have also used a Passion Planner occasionally when I need to get myself back on track in terms of organization and goals. This post outlines how I plan to use BOTH a Passion Planner and a bullet journal to keep myself on track in terms of goals and tasks, but also dreams, family time, and trying to fit in a certain amount of self-care to avoid burnout.

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