Posts tagged snapshots
Using Mentor Texts to Teach Adjectives and Introduce Snapshots

These two weeks focus on adding adjectives and snapshots in narrative writing using the mentor texts Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper and A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. Both of these lessons build on each other as I first teach using adjectives in writing, and then we get some experience making snapshots in regards to characters and setting. A snapshot is a moment in writing that provides detail in terms of character or setting. The text The Reviser’s Toolbox by Barry Lane was the first text that introduced the idea of snapshots to me, and this text remains the go-to standard for items to teach in terms of narrative, personal narrative, and memoir writing. Students often receive practice in regards to describing themselves or character, but sometimes struggle with describing a setting or character interaction. Teaching them how to add detail in narrative writing sets the stage for teaching elaboration when it comes to argumentative and informational writing in our upcoming units.

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