Posts tagged travelers notebook
Archer & Olive Traveler's Notebook Journal 4.33 x 8.25"

I first tried a traveler’s notebook system in the fall of 2020, and this is how I stumbled upon the narrow size or traveler’s notebook size of roughly 4.5 x 8.25”. I grabbed the traditional Midori style notebook that had elastic bands on the inside to try out the system. I loved experimenting with inserts and different sizes of notebooks, but I was hoping to still get the same notebook feeling that I get with my other bullet journals. I liked the idea of life in one notebook. After searching high and low for a traveler’s size actual notebook (not an insert), I came across the Archer & Olive company and their traveler’s size notebook. Since finding this size notebook, I now have purchased 3 of these so far. This is by far my favorite size notebook. Why? I love the size of this. It is easy to carry, and it still lays flat when I am trying to write for a larger amount of time. The only reason why it does not become my main notebook is that I need to use my planner to feel organized. This post is a complete review of the Archer & Oliver Traveler’s Size Notebook.

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Choose a Journaling System That Works For You

I love all things paper. A new notebook, journal, or planner is enough to get me to feel motivated about my goals. Fresh pages that are blank are sometimes all you need on a rough day to feel like a fresh start is in order. However, maybe like me, you have also had a notebook or office supply obsession get out of hand over the years. While I love a fresh notebook or journal, I will be the first to admit that I am one of the first people to not finish a notebook or journal and move on to something new. I don’t think there is anything wrong with that because of the inspiration that a new notebook brings, but I also know many of us are on the hunt for notebook, planner, or journal peace where we find a system that works for us in all ways.

If you check out examples in the planner and journaling communities, you can see a variety of journal types, writing and typography, designs, layouts and spreads, and ideas for organization. New notebooks make us feel good. Half of the fun in this journaling journey is the trying out of new ideas and systems to see what will work for us. If you are like me, you know what definitely doesn’t work for you. This post proposes different styles, types, and considerations when trying to find a journal or planner peace. The goal of this post is not to present you with a correct option, but show you the options that I have encountered along the way so that you find what works best for you.

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