The Big List of Motherhood Affirmations for Journaling and Life

Take What You Need

Before having a baby, I loved to write down powerful sayings, save quotes on my social media feeds, or underline important phrases in books. After giving birth, I am realizing that affirmations really help you control the narrative of the daily conversations you have with yourself. The postpartum period right after giving birth is a time when you don’t have the time or energy to monitor what you are saying to yourself, but it is the most important time in those first few weeks that the things you say to yourself matter more than you can ever know. Keeping track of the inner conversation as a mama is part of the healing process. Whether you choose to write some of these affirmations down on a sticky note or grab your favorite journal, take what you need based on how you feel. This post is really like the postpartum affirmations buffet. Please help yourself to a serving of self-love and care. Then, when you are feeling frustrated, alone, tired, or discouraged, make sure you give yourself another serving if needed. This post has 100+ affirmations that aren’t fluff. Whether you are struggling with breastfeeding or feeling alone after giving birth, jot down a mantra or a saying that you can tell yourself over morning coffee or when you find one quiet moment in the bathroom.

Journaling Layout of Affirmations I Found Helpful

motherhood affirmations
mama affirmations

I feel tired…

  1. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. 

  2. Be present. Here and now. 

  3. Laughter really is the best medicine. 

  4. Nobody needs perfection. 

  5. I am doing the best I can. 

  6. I am proud of how far I have come. 

  7. I know I can do this. 

  8. My children need my presence more than they need a clean house. 

  9. There is value in everything I do. 

  10. Whatever I do today will be enough. 

  11. Today is going to be a good day. 

I feel discouraged…

  1. Breathe. 

  2. Not every moment of motherhood is lovable-but I love being a mother. 

  3. I can do hard things. 

  4. Calm is a choice. 

  5. Motherhood has shown me my strengths. 

  6. Let go of how you think it should go. 

  7. I can think outside of the box for solutions. 

  8. You don’t have to solve everything at once. Take one thing at a time. 

  9. I can focus on what I can change or control. 

  10. Time heals everything. 

  11. I will learn from my mistakes. 

  12. Appreciate where you are right now in the journey. 

  13. My feelings are okay. 

I am having a hard time balancing everything….

  1. Work can wait. 

  2. You don’t always need a plan. 

  3. I am exactly where I need to be. 

  4. I learn something new every day. 

  5. I am grateful for the time I have with my family. 

  6. I love mornings/afternoons/evenings. 

  7. Motherhood is challenging for everyone. 

  8. Surrender to the idea of a greater plan. 

  9. The most important work I do is within my own home. 

  10. Be open to trying something new. 

I feel alone…

  1. It is okay not to know. 

  2. Our home is filled with love. 

  3. Everything I’m looking for is already inside me. 

  4. I can find joy in everyday moments. 

  5. I am worthy of the love I receive from my children and family. 

  6. I cannot be everything to everyone. 

  7. I am learning to love myself and my own company. 

  8. I can speak kindly to myself. 

  9. I am taking time to understand myself and how I feel. 

  10. Being lonely helps me learn to like myself more. 

I feel angry…

  1. Anger lets me know I care. 

  2. I will stop and check in on my body. Breath? Jaw? Shoulders?

  3. I am in control of my own reactions. 

  4. Being angry or upset doesn’t make me less of a mom. 

  5. Calm is a choice. 

  6. I will allow myself to be upset if needed. 

  7. My anger gives me information about how I feel. 

  8. I forgive myself for being mad.

I don’t feel like myself…

  1. Taking care of my needs matters. 

  2. Being a mom is one part of who I am.

  3. I am a good mom. 

  4. I trust my mommy instincts and gut. 

  5. I am brave enough to say each day is a fresh start. 

  6. Building healthy habits helps take care of me. 

  7. Progress is measured in consistency. Keep going. 

  8. I will show my kids how to be happy. 

  9. I will show my kids the meaning of love. 

  10. My dreams and desires matter, too. 

  11. I was born when my child was born. 

  12. Be passionate about being kind to yourself. 

  13. I can’t wait to see the person I am becoming. 

  14. I will start to recognize the things I am instead of the things I am not. 

I feel down about my body...

  1. My body is capable of amazing things.

  2. My body is healing. 

  3. I am proud of how hard I am trying. 

  4. My body needed to change during pregnancy. 

  5. I am more than what is on the outside. 

  6. Hating my body won’t help me love it. 

  7. I am strong. 

  8. I feel healthier every day. 

  9. Being healthy is more than a number on the scale. 

  10. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do. 

  11. Eating healthy is how I fuel my body to be strong. 

  12. I feel empowered when I make healthy choices.

I am having trouble with breastfeeding or pumping…

  1. My time and energy spent nursing or pumping matters. 

  2. I am doing my best. Whatever I can produce is enough. 

  3. I trust my body to make the amount of milk it can. 

  4. I am a great mom no matter the method of feeding my baby. 

  5. Nursing is hard. I can do it. Pumping is hard. I can do it. 

  6. The time I spent pumping today wasn’t for nothing. 

  7. I am doing a great job. 

  8. My baby is healthy and growing. 

  9. I will ask for help with feeding if needed. 

  10. I am not failing if I am feeding my baby. Formula included. 

  11. I will ignore outside expectations of my journey with feeding. 

  12. Comparison doesn’t make me feel better. 

I am healing after giving birth…

  1. My body was made to heal. 

  2. Even if it feels like it is taking forever, my body is constantly working on healing.  

  3. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. 

  4. I will stop and breathe if I get overwhelmed. 

  5. One thing at a time. 

  6. I am strong. 

  7. Crying isn’t wrong. 

  8. Using the restroom will get easier each week. 

  9. The first weeks are the hardest. It doesn’t get easier; you learn along the way. 

  10. You aren’t alone.

Writing Mindset Reflection: What affirmations did you circle or write down? What affirmations did you need after becoming a mama?

motherhood affirmations