Posts tagged postpartum
Journaling Through Motherhood: A Busy Mom's Toolkit

When this blog post was first published in 2021, it was the first blog post I wrote postpartum after having our baby girl. After over 12 hours of unmedicated labor, I officially became a mom to an amazing baby girl. My husband and I became a mommy and a daddy. Originally, this post was written as a way for new moms to talk about the role of journaling in the postpartum journey and newborn phase. Now, this post is more of an invitation to use journaling as a tool for lots of different aspects of motherhood. Motherhood is a remarkable journey filled with joy, laughter, and countless moments that you don’t want to miss. Yet, amidst the chaos, it's easy for busy moms to feel overwhelmed by the demands of nurturing a family, managing a variety of household items, and balancing work-related tasks. In the whirlwind of diapers, playdates, and bedtime routines, moms need to carve out moments for themselves, moments for reflection, and ultimately use journaling as an outlet for self-care. In this blog post, I invite you to explore practical tools for planning, goal-setting, continuous learning, and stress management. All by using a notebook or journal as your sidekick.

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The Big List of Motherhood Affirmations for Journaling and Life

Before having a baby, I loved to write down powerful sayings, save quotes on my social media feeds, or underline important phrases in books. After giving birth, I am realizing that affirmations really help you control the narrative of the daily conversations you have with yourself. The postpartum period right after giving birth is a time when you don’t have the time or energy to monitor what you are saying to yourself, but it is the most important time in those first few weeks that the things you say to yourself matter more than you can ever know. Keeping track of the inner conversation as a mama is part of the healing process. Whether you choose to write some of these affirmations down on a sticky note or grab your favorite journal, take what you need based on how you feel. This post is really like the postpartum affirmations buffet. Please help yourself to a serving of self-love and care. Then, when you are feeling frustrated, alone, tired, or discouraged, make sure you give yourself another serving if needed. This post has 100+ affirmations that aren’t fluff. Whether you are struggling with breastfeeding or feeling alone after giving birth, jot down a mantra or a saying that you can tell yourself over morning coffee or when you find one quiet moment in the bathroom.

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Defunk! Find Postpartum Positivity Using Mindset Shifts in your Journal

Everyone can use mindset shifts, I try to use them all the time inside and outside of my classroom. While I am a huge advocate for trying to shift to a place of positivity, I didn’t realize how badly I needed the journal work of mindset shifts until I became a mom. Parenthood is overwhelming. Being the person and part of the unit of persons for a little being that you are still figuring out is exhausting. There is a rush of emotions that happens with wanting to keep the new little one safe, wanting to take care of yourself and your partner, and adjusting to a new life routine. Even if the new addition isn’t your first, new moms (of any kind) can benefit from mindset shift work. This post is for the new moms that need to work themselves out of the funk, and all they have is a notebook and a pen or pencil.

When I became a mother, I knew that the most important person talking to me was myself. However, it became impossible at times to feel positive because I was tired, discouraged, or lost in all of the new information. All while trying to keep a tiny baby alive and not dread going to the restroom with my peri-bottles and larger-than-life pads. I am a firm believer that we are the mindset we make each day. While it was easy to find joy in newborn snuggles, I think everyone can use a journal to make the postpartum period of life a bit more joyous on the inside as well as the outside. Everyone kept telling my husband and me: “Trust me, it gets better.” I am here to tell you, yes it gets better, but you can also use mindset shifts along the way to help your own sanity until little one gives you that first long sleeping stretch at night.

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